A Vision for a Better Future: Eye Care Industry Invests in Research and Development to Improve Eye Health

eye care industry invests

The eye care industry is constantly evolving and investing in research and development to improve eye health for patients. The advancements in technology and treatments have brought about a positive change in the way eye care is administered and has resulted in better outcomes for patients.

One such eye care centre is DR. BAKSHI GUPTA EYE CARE CENTRE in Panchkula, India. Dr. Bakshi Gupta and Dr. Neeraj Gupta and their team are dedicated to providing the highest quality eye care services to their patients using the latest technology and treatments available. With computerized vision testing, cornea service,, cornea transplant, IOP / NCT, cataract surgery (phaco/laser), glaucoma RX, squint RX, pterygium surgery, entropion/ectropion surgery, foreign body removal, YAG cap/PI, specs removal, diabetic retinopathy RX, and a retina clinic, patients can be assured they will receive comprehensive care at DR. BAKSHI GUPTA EYE CARE CENTRE.

In addition to its commitment to providing the best eye care possible, DR. BAKSHI GUPTA EYE CARE CENTRE is also empaneled with Ayushman Bharat, the Haryana Govt, Himachal Govt, and Punjab Govt, and has received full NABH accreditation. This means that patients can trust the quality of care they will receive and know that the clinic is held to the highest standards.

For those who are looking for the best in eye care, DR. BAKSHI GUPTA EYE CARE CENTRE is the place to be. With its focus on providing high-quality, state-of-the-art care, patients can be confident that they are in good hands. To learn more about the services offered at DR. BAKSHI GUPTA EYE CARE CENTRE, or to schedule an appointment, visit their website at https://www.guptaeyeanddentalcare.com or call +9195015-40132

With Dr. Bakshi Gupta and Dr. Neeraj Gupta and their team on your side, you can rest assured that your eye health is in good hands.

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